Monday, June 29, 2009


So tonight i went out for dinner, of course we go to get Mexican food cause my family loves Mexican. When i take a look at the drink menu i find this drink COCO LOCO. everyone that worked here was Mexican because its Mexican food of course. Our waiter happened to be very short and super boring cause i couldn't understand his accent. so i just dozed off and day dreamed, in my dream i ordered the COCO LOCO because it sounded soooo good. Then five minutes into my dream the man came out with my COCO LOCO, he was dressed in his little red and black outfit with his bow tie. The COCO LOCO was bigger than he was!!! the man came over with this giant coconut and set it on the table throwing out his back. i started dieing laughing, then moments later i woke up laughing to a Mexican man asking me what i would like to eat.

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