Friday, July 3, 2009


today i felt good, i was excited for practice, i wanted to listen to all time low, i wanted to long board to practice. practice = fun! SYKE! i wish it did, but matt Boughton wasnt there... so no frisbee :(

after practice i went home and sat on the couch watching music videos. so fun. my favorite song came on weightless by all time low i fell in love again for the first time. then i get a call from nick saying yo im outside so we go rompin over to tucks house play some cod. well i did tucker and nick were asleep spooning on his bed (embarasing). his little sister who i have a hugggeeeeeee crush on took pictures of them, i lover her :) then after they woke up we all ate then drove over to Reyes house and played even more cod there. their house has no food, no drinking no nothing so tucker found this brownie mix but we had no vegtable oil for us to cook with, wecalled everyone we knew that lived by his house and no one had vegtable oil, so we finally decided to call our coach (senor Hanson). he was kind enough to give us some vegtable oil, so we were kind enough to make him some brownies. we went home and made brownies then played 1 vr's 100, that games crazy like everyone on it knew the anwser in like 6 seconds. if you dont know what it is its a trivia game on xbox live. then we to drop off brownies at reyes and now im here at home all alone... with no one here... just me... hint hint :)

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